TRACAL AC HT1 is a liquid additive that is designed to prevent closed cooling circuits from freezing when exposed to temperatures below 0ºC. The product contains corrosion inhibitors and foam controllers that help to maintain the circuit's optimal performance. Additionally, it is registered with NSF HT1.
How to use
The following table shows the temperature range for TRACAL AC HT1 at different levels of purity:
Pure / -60ºC
50% / -35ºC
40% / -23ºC
30% / -15.5ºC
25% / -10ºC
10% / -7ºC
Pure / -60ºC
50% / -35ºC
40% / -23ºC
30% / -15.5ºC
25% / -10ºC
10% / -7ºC
20 litre containers.
Complete pallets of 36 units.
Complete pallets of 36 units.
Pysical Properties
Appearance -> Clear Liquid
Color -> Blue
Density -> Min. 1.020/Max. 1.040
pH 100 % -> 8 ± 0.05
Freezing Point -> As per Table
Solubility -> Water
Color -> Blue
Density -> Min. 1.020/Max. 1.040
pH 100 % -> 8 ± 0.05
Freezing Point -> As per Table
Solubility -> Water
Qualitative composition
Anti-foam additives
Anti-foam additives
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